Hotel Oberoi Marrakech

The Oberoi Marrakech

The Oberoi Marrakech has a total of 84 bedrooms available for its guests. This hotel was built in 2019. Guests will be able to use Wi-Fi in the public spaces of The Oberoi Marrakech. The reception is open all day. This property is aware that accessibility for all clients is essential. For this reason, it has accessible rooms and has fully adapted access. Travelers traveling by car may park their vehicle in the establishment's parking areas. Guests will be well received in this environmentally friendly residence. Customers can use the airport transfer service. People who stay at this establishment will delight in the dishes offered by its gastronomic service. People who want to disconnect from their daily routine can try the establishment's health and wellness facilities. Business travelers will appreciate the business facilities of this hotel, an ideal place to host any type of event. Guests will face the day with energy thanks to the succulent meals served by The Oberoi Marrakech. Guests can have a great time thanks to the establishment's entertainment programme. Some of these services may be subject to additional charges.

